PPF condemns investigation against Fox TV anchor Fatih Portakal

Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF), in a letter to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of Turkey has expressed concern over the investigation launched against Fox TV anchor Fatih Portakal.
PPF Secretary General Owais Aslam Ali has condemned the threats and fine made against the anchor and channel and called on the authorities to stop targeting journalists and media persons for sharing their views.
According to IPS Communication Foundation-Bianet, The Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office in Bakırköy district of İstanbul has launched an investigation against Portakal for his views aired on December 10, 2018 in the prime time news bulletin.
A written request has been sent to the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) with the records of the bulletin and the 16 complaint petitions submitted against Portakal were combined.
In his bulletin Portakal said, “Here we go, let’s protest these price increases, the increases in prices of natural gas with a peaceful protest demonstration. Come on, let’s do it. Can we do it? How many people can take to the streets out of fear and concern? Can you please tell me, for God’s sake, how many people can take to the streets? They are trying to take the individual and social opposition under pressure, they are trying to intimidate them.”
The pro-government media outlets and President and Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan started targeting the anchor after these statements.
The RTÜK has also imposed a fine of broadcast suspension for three days and an administrative fine on FOX TV Prime News Bulletin presented by Fatih Portakal.