‘Technology helping in overcoming disabilities’
Speakers at a special children’s day programme held at the Arts Council on Thursday said that we are living in a jet-set era in which every day technological achievements are taking place in various fields, due to which people with disabilities are now able to participate in every activity.
The event was organised by the Education Foundation, which is an organisation that educates special children. A number of parents and disabled persons also attended the function. On the occasion, speakers said that parents should not be saddened on the birth of a disabled child because major breakthroughs have been achieved in medical science through which many of the difficulties can be overcome.
On a daily basis, technologies resolve the issues pertaining to our everyday lives, including defeating disabilities, they said, adding that at present, many disabled boys and girls, and men and women are working with the help of modern equipment.
In Pakistan, they said, a number of special schools are working for improving the lives of people with disabilities. After the completion of their education, they find jobs at private companies and organisations, they added. Besides social workers, business persons and government officials, teachers from different schools also spoke at the event.