Indian news channel ‘hacked’ by Pakistani group over BJP leaders’ blasphemous remarks

NEW DELHI – A Pakistani hacker group, Revolution PK, allegedly hacked the Indian News Channel, Times8, during their live stream on YouTube.
In one of the clips on social media, the Pakistani flag appeared on the channel while ‘Respect Holy Prophet (PBUH)’ tickers flashed during the live stream.
Hackers replaced the live transmission of the Time8 News channel with the Pakistani flag and some other texts for some time.
Following these clips, a hashtag of ‘Revolution PK’ started trending on social networking sites while social media users hailed hackers for the attempt
Meanwhile, the Indian news outlet has yet to comment on the matter, as the clips are doing rounds on the internet.
The hacking attempt comes days after a spokesperson of the Indian ruling party made blasphemous remarks about the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
Source: Daily Pakistan