Govt officials not willing to provide information to applicants | Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF)

Pakistan Press Foundation

Govt officials not willing to provide information to applicants

Pakistan Press Foundation

Majority of the heads of the government department are allegedly not ready to provide information to the applicant who tries to get information through the Right to Information Act 2013.

It may be noted that the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf provincial government has enacted the Right to Information Act 2013 so that every citizen can easily gain information from the government departments.

The people appreciated this law of the provincial government. However, the majority of the applicants who want to get information through this act complain that the heads of the department are allegedly not ready to provide them information. The complaint said that the head allegedly uses delaying tactics in providing the information or provides incomplete and unrelated information.

Some of the local journalists have applied through right to information Act 2013 to the Deputy Commissioner, ADC revenue, local government, Livestock and other departments of the district but the heads of the department allegedly used delaying tactics.

Source: Pakistan Observer

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