FBR yet to implement key order of PIC

A key order issued by the Pakistan Information Commission (PIC) remained unimplemented by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) despite the issuance of notice for imposing a penalty to the extent of 100 days’ salary to Member Operations Inland Revenue, FBR.
Details of the issue revealed that the PIC had summoned the official in person for not providing information about the individuals and companies who availed benefits from the tax amnesty scheme given during the tenure of former Prime Minister Mian Nawaz Sharif.
The landmark order came after tax lawyer Waheed Shahzad Butt lodged a complaint before the PIC against the FBR in terms of rights provided under Article 19A of the Constitution, alleging that the FBR was trying to hide crucial information for some unknown reasons.
The tax lawyer Waheed Shahzad Butt had also previously approached the Lahore High Court and the Federal Tax Ombudsman seeking disclosure of information pertaining to companies and persons who availed the Clause 86 of Second Schedule to the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 and the amount introduced under this amnesty at zero percent (0%) income tax.
The appellant Waheed Butt stated that he had submitted information requests to the FBR Chairman but all in vain. He added that the introduction of any tax amnesty scheme for tax evaders is fully sponsored by the state”. The government, instead of entertaining any such scheme, should seriously consider introducing an “asset-seizure scheme to confiscate undeclared and untaxed assets created from black money,” he contended and stressed the need for laws to bring back “looted money from tax cheaters”.
The PIC notice stated, why, under Section 20(1) (f) of the Right of Access to Information Act, 2017; fine may not be imposed on you for wilfully delaying the disclosure of the information to the applicant, as directed in the order of PIC.
Source: Business Recorder