Senior Journalist Tested Positive For COVID-19

MULTAN: A senior journalist from Shujabad has tested positive for coronavirus and been admitted in the intensive care unit (ICU) of Nishtar Hospital on Thursday evening.
Sadiq Wains, 63, brought to the hospital with suspicion of COVID-19 who unfortunately tested positive for the viral disease. Later, he was shifted on ventilator due to his serious condition.
The journalist is brother of Dr Atta Wains of Shujabad and associated with a national urdu daily.
He used to spend most of his time at the clinic of his brother and it is quite possible that he might have infected from any patient, told Saleem Qureshi, another senior journalist.
He said family of the journalist could not be tested for coronovirus so far.
When contacted, Nishtar Hospital focal person for infectious diseases, Dr Irfan Arshad confirmed on Saturday that the Saiq Wains son of Khuda Buksh was brought to the hospital a couple of days ago and he was on ventilator in the ICU. The patient was critical, he said.
Newspaper: Urdu Point