Press club pays tribute to Habib Jalib

The Karachi Press Club (KPC) on Sunday held a festival to honour revolutionary poet Habib Jalib who also had a life membership of the club for his services for the cause of freedom of expression.
The event was organised in collaboration with political parties, trade unions and Laal musical band. Prominent personalities who visited the festival to pay tribute to Jalib included former Senate chairman Raza Rabbani, Senator Waqar Mehdi, actor Mustafa Qureshi, Justice (retd) Rasheed Razvi, poet Baba Najmi and Grand Democratic Alliance leader Sardar Rahim.
Speaking on the occasion, Journalist Mujahid Barelvi said Jalib was not only a prominent poet but also an activist who took part in various movements for democracy, human rights and freedom of press. He lauded the KPC for remembering a poet who had to spend several years in prison because of his commitment to democracy and human rights.
KPC President Saeed Sarbazi and Secretary Shoaib Ahmed said Jalib was a major poet and the KPC was like his home. They said such a festival was due for Jalib for the struggle he undertook all his life.
A team of Tehreek-e-Niswan led by classical dancer Sheema Kermani presented a tableau with verses penned by Jalib. Laal musical band as well as children of the Sindhyani Tehreek and other groups also performed at the festival. A stall offering Jalib’s books was also set up at the event.
Source: The News