Information Technology Division to be set up
The government will create an Information Technology Division, which would be the focal point for information and communication technology policy and its implementation. Federal Secretary stated this for Science and Technology Javed Masood while speaking at the inauguration of an annual computers exhibition, organised by Computer Society of Pakistan (CSP).
He said National Information Technology (IT) Policy is being formulated to provide a frame work for a coordinated and integrated approach in developing the strategic elements of the policy Javed Masood said although the draft of IT policy was stated to be ready it had not been made public.
He was of the view that it should have three basic elements, including creation of enabling environment, deregulate and provide competitive and even playing field for all stake holders, particularly the private sector which is the engine of growth. He said private sector was presently feeling disadvantages in certain areas on account of the monopoly of PTCL. “This policy should not be rigid and inflexible document. It must have the in built capacity to respond quickly to the changing technological and legal requirements in which the policy will be implemented,” Javed Masood observed.
He said steps are being taken to provide an internationally compatible IT communication infrastructure both in term of physical facilities as well as tariffs particularly for data communication. The federal secretary said that 100 per cent initial depreciation on computers would enable the corporate sector to offload large numbers of cheap prices into the market because of the high rate of obsolescence in computer technology. He was of the view that the government should become a model role for induction of IT in the economy and make it mandatory for all its ministries and departments to spend two-third of their recurring budget for introduction of IT.
Earlier, in his welcome address, Chairman CSR Ahmed Allauddin called for liberating the airwaves and drastically reducing the cost of networking both within the country and internationally.
Source: The News