Freedom assaulted | Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF)

Pakistan Press Foundation

Freedom assaulted

The incursion into the Karachi offices of the Jang Group by activists of a ‘party’ is obviously an attempt on the part of those in power to stifle the voices of dissent.

The acceptance that the age of a monolithic media dominated by state-run institutions has passed into history is, sadly, still to come. It is especially disappointing that a government which has made frequent assurances of protecting media freedoms should not only do little in actual terms to safeguard the basic right to free information but also contrive ways to coerce the media into submissive silence. The warnings that individual journalists could be targeted for character assassination are equally alarming. There is indeed evidence that this tactic has already been put into play. The principle of free expression is one that must be defended by every state that calls itself democratic. The fact that the present government has not framed new legislation to replace the deeply flawed Freedom of Information Act of the Musharraf era throws into deep shadow its claims of commitment to media freedoms. Other laws which could ensure for citizens greater knowledge about the working of government also remain missing from the statute books. There is a great deal about the functioning of the state which is far from transparent.

The government appears not to realise that actions by hired goons, or other similar measures, will do the government more harm than good. Pakistan’s media, led by Geo, has demonstrated that it possesses the strength to withstand pressure of all kinds. It has acquired a force and vibrancy that will not be crushed. The support of the people is a key factor in this. Citizens across the country are aware of the significance of the media in their lives and are determined to ensure that it is not, in any way, suppressed. They can see through moves to defame, harass or intimidate the media. Similar moves were seen in the past and they are being put into play once more. If this continues, the country will only run into a more ferocious storm. Attempting to use force to silence voices can only add to the growing social unease and will make the affairs of state even more complicated than they already are.

Source: The News