Elahi promises to get newspaper dues cleared in one month

KARACHI: Chief Minister Punjab Chaudhry Parvez Elahi has assured to clear the dues of newspapers in one month, implementation of 25 percent quota and release of colour ads to regional newspapers and review of Punjab advertising policy in consultation with APNS.
He was speaking to a delegation of the All Pakistan Newspapers Society comprising President APNS Sarmad Ali, Mujeeb ur Rahman Shami, Jamil Ather, Nazafreen Saigol Lakhani, Shahab Zuberi, Khushnood Ali Khan, Umer Mujib Shami, Mumtaz Tahir, Muhammad Awais Khushnood, Mumtaz Ali Shah, S.M. Munir Jillani, Humayon Gulzar, Humayon Tariq, Syed Sajjad Bokhari, Bilal Mahmood.
The Chief Minister was apprised about the problems and issues being faced by the newspaper industry in general and Punjab based publications in particular. Chaudhry Parvez Elahi assured that his government appreciates the importance of print media and would address the problems of newspapers on top priority.
He advised the DGPR Punjab to clear the outstanding dues of newspapers within one month. On request of APNS, the Chief Minister announced that henceforth 25 percent quota for regional newspapers will be implemented for all provincial government advertisements including colour ads.
He was apprised on the concerns of APNS on Punjab’s advertising policy. Chaudhry Parvez Elahi decided to form a committee of stakeholders comprising the representatives of the Information Department and APNS to review the advertising policy and suggest changes in the policy.
Principal Secretary to CM Punjab Muhammad Khan Bhatti, Secretary Information Punjab, Asif Bilal Lodhi and DGPR Punjab Afraz Ahmed were also present in the meeting.
Later the Executive Committee of the APNS held its meeting. The Executive Committee noted that the federal government despite its various assurances given to APNS have not been implemented to clear long outstanding dues of the print media.
The federal government has also not announced an increase in the government advertisement rates and quantum as promised by the prime minister in his meeting with APNS and the federal information minister in her interactions with the Society.
It was agreed that the APNS will apprise the prime minister of this delay and request him to address the above problems faced by the newspaper industry. The Executive Committee was also apprised that the KP government has not cleared the long outstanding dues of over Rs 1.5 billion relating to provincial government advertisements. It was decided that office-bearers of APNS will take up the matter with the KP government on urgent basis.
The Executive Committee approved the recommendations of Advertising Committee, Regional Press Committee and Scrutiny Committee. It was decided to grant associate membership to Daily Minute Mirror Lahore and provisional accreditation to M/s. Dynamic Media Lahore
Source: Business Recorder