Role of media… By Abdul Samad | Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF)

Pakistan Press Foundation

Role of media… By Abdul Samad

While watching news and talk shows on most of Pakistani private TV channels, I ask myself a question whether these channels are presenting a true and factual position of a matter or they are just breaking the news/comments in a hurry, without really going into the other side of the matter.

In a rat race of first breaking the news on channels, what happens is that the anchor only shows one side of the picture. My humble request to all such anchors and news reporters would be to refrain from sensationalising a news report and always be professional and balanced in views by presenting both sides of the perspective. In this manner, the viewers would know the actual situation. Let the people, courts and the government of the day decide an issue and not the media anchors alone, because the role of the latter is just to inform the public about the facts in an unbiased manner.


Daily Time