Punjab Information Minister Azma Bokhari Faces Backlash Over ‘Job Threats’ to Journalists at CM Press Conference; Clarifies Context of her Remarks | Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF)

Pakistan Press Foundation

Punjab Information Minister Azma Bokhari Faces Backlash Over ‘Job Threats’ to Journalists at CM Press Conference; Clarifies Context of her Remarks

Pakistan Press Foundation

Punjab Information Minister Azma Bokhari found herself at the center of a controversy after a video clip of her interaction with journalists ahead of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz’s press conference. In a widely circulated video on social media, Punjab Information Minister Azma Bokhari urged reporters to avoid creating “noise and nuisance” during Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz’s press conference. Bokhari cautioned the journalists, saying, “If someone misbehaved and created a nuisance, I would not spare [them]. If I complain, which I usually don’t, (your) jobs might be at stake.” This statement sparked immediate backlash from the media community, as many saw it as a direct threat to their job security

The backlash grew on social media, where many prominent journalists expressed disappointment over Bokhari’s comments. Babar Dogar, former secretary of the Lahore Press Club, voiced his concern, calling it unfortunate that a government minister would issue such threats while also claiming to support a free media.

In response to the growing criticism, Bokhari shared the full video on her X (formerly Twitter) account, clarifying the context of her remarks. In the extended clip, she is seen initially requesting the journalists to maintain decorum and discipline during the press conference. She later explained that her comments about job security were meant to ensure that the event ran smoothly, not as an actual threat. Bokhari further stated that after attending a meeting of the journalists’ housing society, she became aware of how the edited clip had portrayed her words in a negative light. She expressed disappointment that even respected journalists had fallen victim to the misrepresentation of her request for discipline.

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