PPF organized workshop on Monitoring and Reporting attacks on Journalists

To reduce the rate of impunity for crimes against journalists in the province, Punjab should enact a journalist protection act as soon as possible, similar to that in Sindh, journalists from different press clubs of Punjab stressed during two-day workshop on Monitoring and Reporting attacks on Journalists organized by the Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) in Lahore from 21 to 22 Oct, 2022.
Report every incident happened with you, don’t take any threat lightly! Threats can lead to attacks and serious consequences. The role of journalist unions were also stressed during the workshop.
The workshop is being organized by Pakistan Press Foundation under the project Civil Society for Independent Media and Expression (CIME) in collaboration with European Union. The workshop aims to promote the safety of journalists by providing training on reporting and monitoring attacks on journalists in Punjab, and on using he provisions of the recently enacted journalists safety laws.
The discussion, activities and presentation in the workshop helped the participants understand the mechanism of reporting attacks or any incident happened with journalists. Protection of Journalists and Media Professionals Act, 2021and Right of Access to Information Act, 2017 were discussed in details and stressed the usage and implementation of these acts.
The Punjab Union of Journalists (PUJ) commended the efforts of Pakistan Press Foundation for organizing such training sessions and requested to continue similar training sessions throughout the province.