Pakistan Press Foundation issues call for applications for Fellowship program on Media Safety

Last date of Submission: 27th February 2022
Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) has issued a call for applications for Fellowship program on Media Safety in Pakistan.
The fellowship program aims to promote freedom of expression by providing support to media professionals to produce stories related to issues on Media Safety and Impunity.
The fellowship programs will include two capacity building workshops as well as editorial and technical support to produce reports on safety of media practitioners that meet professional, ethical and legal best practices in journalism. Each selected fellow will have to produce up to six stories during this fellowship program. Preference will be given to fellows who will commit to investigating impunity for specific cases of journalists killed or injured.
Selected fellows will be paired with senior journalist who will act as fellowship editor during the period of fellowship program.
Journalists having minimum experience of three years working for print, television, radio and online media can apply for the fellowship program.
The criteria for journalists from Baluchistan, FATA, Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir may be relaxed for otherwise qualified applicants. Female journalists are encouraged to apply.
The duration of the fellowship is three months and the amount for the fellowship is sixty thousand rupees.
Applicants must send:
- Professional resume/CV with recent photograph
- Application and Story Proposal forms
- Three links/samples of published or broadcast pieces.
- Applications should be sent to [email protected]
The deadline for submitting applications is Sunday February 27th 2022. Applications received after the due date will not be entertained.
Application form:
Story proposal form: