Call for applications for mentorship program on elections | Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF)

Pakistan Press Foundation

Call for applications for mentorship program on elections

UNESCO Islamabad Office in coordination with UNDP, and in partnership with PPF, is implementing the “Project for Electoral Assistance” ahead of Pakistan’s 2018 national and provincial elections.

The project aims to build the capacity of male and female journalists, editors, and recent graduates in journalism/mass communications on electoral reporting so that they are fully equipped to inform on electoral processes during the 2018 and future elections.

Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) seeks applications for a mentorship program for recently-graduated students from faculties of journalism and mass communications.  The program will include recent graduates from Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Multan, Peshawar and Quetta.

Those selected for the mentorship programme will join a one-day workshop on ethical journalism and code of conduct with specific focus on electoral reporting.

They will then be assigned to a senior journalists who will guide and mentor them for a period of three months before, during and after the elections.  The mentoring will be three times a week for two hours.

Under this mentorship program, students will be mentored on updating their social media, following  election’s  news, assessing  of  ‘good’  and  ‘bad’ examples of reporting,  gender-responsive  reporting, minorities’ representation and verifying information.

The stipend for this mentorship program is five thousand rupees per month. The duration is three months and payment is based on completion of assigned tasks.

Following is the criteria for the eligibility of the students:

Male and female students who have graduated from the faculties of Journalism and Mass Communications from an HEC recognized university within the last 12 months.  Those working in media media organizations will be given preference.

Applicants must send:

  1. a) Professional resume/CV with recent photograph.
  2. b) Scanned copy of the degree and transcript of their graduation programs.
  3. c) Three references.

Applications should be sent to [email protected]

The deadline for submitting applications is 11:59 PM on Monday, May 7.

Fellowship proposal forms are available at: