Ansar Abbasi regrets making a mistake in his column

ISLAMABAD—Journalist Ansar Abbasi has regretted a line in his column on September 29 in the daily Jang which wrongly attributes a quote to former Prime Minister Imran Khan from his audio leak in which he discusses the cipher.
In the leaked audio, the former prime minister can be heard saying that the cipher is a foreign conspiracy.
However, the column of Ansar Abbasi quotes Imran Khan as saying, “let’s make it a foreign conspiracy.”
In this tweet, Abbasi said he has learned about the mistake and regrets it. He added that a correction had been made in the online edition. For the print edition, he said the paper would publish a clarification.
Interestingly, the column’s title is “Foreign sazish bana di (Made it a foreign conspiracy).
Abbasi harshly criticized the former prime minister in the column and contested his stance on the cipher.
However, Azhar Mushwani, the focal person (social media) to PTI chairman, termed Abbasi, the “leader of hypocrites.”
Source: Journalism Pakisatn